Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Monday, October 19, 2009

How can I draw like a girl?

And not be stigmatised by the rest of the world?

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Ed Helms

He's one of these actors who I enjoy merely seeing. Not because he's dashing, or handsome or anything, but rather because he's just like....charming. He's got a funny li'l smile.
My drawing doesn't really look like him. :C


Nihilism is a system of beliefs where you're too self-absorbed and spoilt to see that your life actually doesn't suck.

Irish Sketches.

In Irish class, I do nothing but doodle. Not that learning a language I'll never use outside of school isn't great, but I got all this CREATIVE BLOOD HURRRRRRRRRGH.
Ballpoint pen's my current favorite medium.

Sunday, October 11, 2009


Instead of detailing how my life has been and how marvellous/miserable/angry/homicidal I've been feeling, I'm just going to say this place needs more art. Like, more good art, like what them professionals done have. Maybe take a break from dA for a while, hmm? Gonna look up the blogs of my Boulder friends, and get inspired. K bye.

Edit: Oops, sit back down for a second. I've got a great way for you to part with any extra money weighing you down. My dear friend Julian Marcel finally published his excellent web comic Museum of the Wierd (mispelling intentional), and I highly it. Not just because he's my lesbian lover either. The book can be bought at the lulu site. Well worth it. Do it!