Anyway, I've been trying to flesh out my freak characters this week, just so I have a more 3-dimensional. I think a lot about my characters. I try to form them as close to real people as I can. What's the point of having an entirely 2-D cartoon, yanno?
This week I was thinking about Ivan. You know, the bug guy no-one knows about. One of the main aspects of his character is that he's the biggest bastard ever. He cannot speak a sentence without using an expletive. But that's part of his character, it's as much a protection from the big world that never gave him a chance as his disguise is. He's probably a very scared individual, for how much of a jackass he is. Here's some sketches.

I need to practice him, really, my drawing skills of him are HORRIBLE.

I also doodled this Vinnie. Face it. if any of you were faced with your choice of mate from the freaks, you'd all choose this black Adonis. I fucking would.

In other news, I had my first paid art job today. My parents laughably called it a commission. I was doing face-painting at this promotion at a butcher's. But it was fine, if tiring. 4 HOURS OF SITTING IN A CHAIR PAINTING KIDS JUST DRAAAAAAAAGS BY. I got 50 euro for my troubles though, so I guess it's okay. Some kid wanted, like, the Aresenal crest though It was a real "YOU STUPID KID" moment. I did anyway though. It was horrible.
Aaaaaand my head hurts, so good night.
Edit: Ooooooooh shit. I'm listening to "Closer" by Nine Inch Nails, and it's totally reminding me of Vinnie. Here's an example of the lyrics I wanna to fuck you like an animal/I want to feel you from the inside/I wanna fuck you like an animal/mywhole existance is flawed/you bring me CLOSER TO GOD It's actualy a pretty fucking sexy song, but....JEEZ. It's amusing though. I'm getting a picture out of this.